NEW! Listening mini tests for exam revision


for GCSE, IGCSE and all other exam courses for up to age 16



for GCSE, IGCSE and all other exam courses for up to age 16



Test your aural skill of the sounds of the French alphabet!
sound clips from A to Z, just vowels or just the difficult consonants!

26 alphabet sounds (A to Z)
vowels only (A E I O U)
difficult consonant sounds (G H J K Q V W X Y Z)
TEST 1: a selection of 10 sounds!
TEST 2: another selection of 10 sounds!

understanding and spelling French names 1
Test your knowledge of French names and their correct spelling!
short listening exercises to test the spelling of French names.

understanding and spelling French names 2
Test your knowledge of French names and their correct spelling!
short multiple-choice listening exercises to test the spelling of French names.

saying your name & understanding French names
Test your knowledge of French names and their pronunciation!
13 short multiple-choice listening exercises to test French pronunciation.

numbers 0 to 10
Test your knowledge of numbers 0 to 10!
11 short multiple-choice listening exercises to test basic numbers.

numbers 0 to 31 - part 1
numbers 0 to 31 - part 2
Test your knowledge of numbers 0 to 31!
2x15 multiple-choice listening exercises to test basic numbers.

numbers 0 to 100 - part 1
numbers 0 to 100 - part 2
numbers 0 to 100 - part 3
numbers 0 to 100 - part 4
Test your knowledge of numbers 0 to 100!
4x10 multiple-choice listening exercises to test numbers.

teacher instructions in class - 1
Test your knowledge of what the teacher is asking of you!
12 short multiple-choice listening exercises to test your response times!

teacher instructions in class - 2
Test your knowledge of what the teacher is asking of you!
12 short multiple-choice listening exercises to test your response times!

teacher instructions in class - 3
Test your knowledge of what the teacher is asking of you!
12 short multiple-choice listening exercises to test your response times!

saying how you feel
Explaining how you feel today!
6 short multiple-choice listening exercises to test your mood!

describing yourself (MALE adjectival forms)
Describing yourself!
12 multiple-choice listening exercises to test your understanding!

describing yourself (FEMALE adjectival forms)
Describing yourself!
12 multiple-choice listening exercises to test your understanding!

colours 1
Test your knowledge of colours!
12 short listening exercises to test colours.

ages 1
Test your knowledge of people's ages!
8 short multiple-choice listening exercises to test numbers.

birthdays 1
Test your knowledge of dates!
12 short gap-fill listening exercises to test numbers and months.

birthdays 2
Test your knowledge of dates!
17 short multiple-choice listening exercises to test numbers and months.

pets 1
Test your knowledge of animals!
10 short multiple-choice listening exercises to test pets & descriptions.

pets 2
Test your knowledge of animals!
10 more short multiple-choice listening exercises to test pets & descriptions.

countries of Europe
Test your knowledge of 15 European countries' flags and outlines!
15 short multiple-choice listening exercises to test country knowledge.

countries of the world
Test your knowledge of the world's major countries!
10 short multiple-choice listening exercises to test country knowledge.

more countries of the world
Test your knowledge of more of the world's major countries!
10 short multiple-choice listening exercises to test country knowledge.

more countries of the world
Test your knowledge of another ten of the world's major countries!
10 short multiple-choice listening exercises to test country knowledge.

where you live (famous cities)
Test your knowledge of famous cities and their associated countries!
13 short multiple-choice listening exercises to test country knowledge.

where you live (famous cities and flags)
Test your knowledge of famous cities and the flags of their associated countries!
13 short multiple-choice listening exercises to test country knowledge.

region where you live (regions of France)
Test your knowledge of famous cities and their geographical location in France!
10 short listening exercises to test your geography.

nationalities (feminine forms)
nationalities (male forms)
Test your knowledge of common nationalities!
2x11 short multiple-choice listening exercises to test nationality forms.

daily routine activities
Test your knowledge of your daily routine!
20 short multiple-choice listening exercises to test daily routine.

a typical daily routine on school days
Test your knowledge of your daily routine!
23 short multiple-choice listening exercises to test your daily routine knowledge.

family members
Test your understanding of family members!
8 short multiple-choice listening exercises to test family descriptions.
family members (brothers & sisters)
Test your understanding of family members!
8 short photo multiple-choice listening exercises to test family descriptions.
family members (more brothers & sisters)
Test your understanding of family members!
7 short photo multiple-choice listening exercises to test family descriptions.

school subjects & timetable
Test your knowledge of your subjects and timetable!
15 short multiple-choice listening exercises to test school subjects.

free time, sport & leisure 1 Test your knowledge of free time, sport & leisure (including 3 tenses).
7 short multiple-choice listening exercises to test your listening comprehension.

free time, sport & leisure 2 Test your knowledge of free time, sport & leisure (including 3 tenses).
8 short multiple-choice listening exercises to test your listening comprehension.

free time, sport & leisure 3 Test your knowledge of free time, sport & leisure (including 3 tenses).
8 short multiple-choice listening exercises to test your listening comprehension.

weekend activities (PAST TENSE)
Test your knowledge of Saturday activities in the past tense!
16 short multiple-choice listening exercises to test freetime activities in the past.

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